A story not even centered on something other than the omnipresent theme, where everything you see and experience serve the theme and therefore the story, making the entire game the story and every second spent in that game an incredibly rich, memorable experience, a moment in that story. This way, the story isn't just cut scenes, but the entire beautiful play experience, which pushes the errands and grinding and leveling into the background to put forward the story Nier Automata. Nothing in this game is there because it had to be for it to be presentable, all of it is there because it fulfills a purpose. Either some Character talks, or a quest happens, or you just run through the world, realising, due to the incredibly good design, how it is, what the tone of this game is, how the machines are and everything. The NieR:Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition comes packed with DLC and bonus.

But the story especially and how it's told is amazing, because it's always there. Yakuza: Like a Dragon stars a new series protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga. It's, for me, the epitome of the art form videogames. The way it has the characters of the story in the foreground makes it a so much less gamy experience. Nier Automata is just in general an amazing game.